The experts at transforming talent into leaders at every level, cultivating sustainable high performance, and strengthening culture for bottom-line results.

“Our work with Kyla has had a major impact in how we function as a team at JVTR. Our executive leadership team is much more cohesive and effective, and we continue to have breakthroughs and reach new levels. With her help, we’ve also identified the strategic direction we want our culture to move in and have taken some big steps in making that shift. We already see improved engagement at all levels, and it’s only the beginning. Kyla goes the extra mile, and it’s obvious she cares a great deal about our success. I trust her and have seen the value she brings. I’d recommend her to any organization needing to make team or cultural changes!”

Jim Valk

Managing Principal, Jansen Valk Thompson Reahm PC

Some recent results our corporate clients have experienced:


Pre-program, 50% of managers were actively looking to leave the company. Post-program, 100% of them plan to stay long-term.


High potential staff felt 60-80% more supported by managers who participated in the program and as a result felt more likely to stay with the company long-term.


100% of managers+ became much more effective leaders.


100% of participants felt significantly more successful with their personal and professional life integration, a key indicator of engagement

Organizations Impacted

What Clients Have To Say

“In my work with Kyla, I’ve experienced huge shifts in who I am as a leader and in my business. I now have an ‘ideal team’ who I leverage very well, and I have deeper connections with and respect for each of them. We’re all actively engaged in achieving our company vision and goals, which are an inspired strategic direction for us. I’ve even seen how small shifts in my approach to situations has led to significant improvement in team engagement and performance. Kyla cares not only about our success now, but also about our success down the road. Working with her was one of the best decisions I’ve made for my business.”
--Roxanne Dudicz

CEO and Founder, Rivertown Finance


The #1 Reason Mid-Level Leaders Aren’t Ready to Step Up

  • Are you hiring outside your company
    because your mid-level people aren’t ready for that executive leadership promotion when they need to be?
  • Do you have high-potential staff who begin to lose their super-star status after moving into management? Are their teams performing at less than optimal levels?
  • Are you a mid-level leader who struggles with managing your own workload along with your management responsibilities – not to mention all the commitments in your personal life?

The foundation for addressing all of these concerns is one and the same. This download provides insight into what that overlooked and undervalued foundation is.


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